About Us
Welcome to American Telestroke
Founded 25 years ago, our neuro clinic team comprises of highly skilled and knowledgeable professionals. We all have a common goal – helping you!
Beside our offer of services statewide to hospitals, we also serve the local community. American Telestroke and Neurology™ is a unique Neuroscience Institution in the Tampa Bay Area serving the community by providing a complete “one-stop shop” for all complex neurological and psychiatric disorders. Our aim is to minimize the amount of visits and provide maximum services in a cost-effective manner for a large variety of fields, ranging from neurological ailments to complex psychiatric disorders (can also be related to neurological injuries, including, but not limited to, TBI, Stroke, PTSD etc.). With many different and comprehensive methods of delivery to offer our services, we promise to accommodate our patients to the best of our abilities. Whether it be through our inclusive home visits or digital/virtual evaluation, we can provide professional and quality health care even in the comfort of your home, all the while maintaining confidentiality and affordability for our patients and clients..
Our Mission
All Americans nationwide deserve the most urgent and best quality emergency care, no matter where you are located. Therefore, American Telestroke & Neurology believe that it is our mission to serve the nation with our team of highly trained and dedicated Neurological specialists in the U.S. who have years of experience with acute stroke and cerebrovascular disease. Dr. Choudary is the founder and CEO of American Telestroke and Neurology Inc. A healthcare organization dedicated to Americans Nationwide for fighting against stroke, a catastrophic condition, leading cause for disability and death after heart disease. If not treated on time, the results are almost always fatal or lifelong disability. With the most advanced and reliable technologies to date which allows rapid access to our healthcare, we are able to provide urgent evaluations by Stroke Specialists along with the recommendation of the newest medications available in accordance to the standard of care FDA approved through emergency departments. With these new standard of care recommendations, there has been a significant decline in disability and worst outcomes according to the American Heart and Stroke Foundation and Interventional Trials.
Dr. Choudary; Stroke Subspecialist, states that “No matter where you are, or how bad your condition is, we will dedicate ourselves to serve and treat you at a glance, as many hospital’s not being a stroke center, cannot offer urgent stroke care to patients due to the lack of stroke specialists.” Our organization goal, rapid and up-to-date effective care for Americans which is cost effective, in longer term saves disability, psychological trauma to the families and a major reduction in national health budget & taxpayers dollars.
Years Exp
Satisfied Patient
Trained Specialists
Our Satisfied Patients
A few reviews of our patients
Successful Rehabilitation and care.
Neuro and surgical achievements.
Nerve conduction treatments.